UMass Boston

African women walking along desert like background carrying goods on their head
Consortium on Gender, Security & Human Rights

The Consortium on Gender, Security, and Human Rights is an organization devoted to bringing knowledge about gender and security to bear on the quest to end armed conflicts and build sustainable peace. Housed at the University of Massachusetts Boston, the Consortium has been shaping the agenda in gender and security research since its establishment in 2002.

The Consortium is made up of scholars and researchers from academic institutions from the Boston area, and linked with researchers internationally. Throughout its history, the Consortium has worked to:

  • build knowledge about gender, armed conflict and security through holding lectures, discussions, knowledge-building workshops, and conferences
  • bridge the gap between research and practice through creative, effective collaborations across some of the stubborn divides between scholars on the one hand, and policymakers, policy-shapers, and practitioners on the other


Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights
Wheatley 6-064
University of Massachusetts Boston 
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125​


For more information:
For an internship, fellowship, or volunteer work:
To reach the director: